OUR goals
To advance education by training teachers in Uganda to recognize and respond to the learning challenges of special needs students by training and supporting them on the use of strategies that facilitate the effective participation, learning, and academic success of special needs students within the regular classroom.
Relieve poverty and address conditions associated with disability in Uganda by:
a) Establishing, operating, and maintaining a vocational training center that provides persons with disability with vocational training that enables them to successfully compete for jobs or undertake their own small businesses; training and counselling on entrepreneurship, personal savings and investment strategies, and effective bookkeeping and administrative measures for business success.
b) Providing micro-loans to persons with disability to enable them to start up or develop their small businesses to such an extent that they are able to take care of their material needs independently.
- Accountability and transparency
- Respect and equality
- Diversity with equitable opportunities
- Integrity and care